doctype change on the horizon again

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9/5/2006 4:13:45 AM
Total Posts 58

doctype change on the horizon again

Since IE7 is now RC1 and supports some of the usefull CSS features, via the xhtml1-strict.dtd, should mojoPortal be changed too?  I know there were problems with W3C validator before.  Has anyone tested doctype changes recently?

9/5/2006 4:49:55 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: doctype change on the horizon again

Hi Aaron,

The doctype is controlled in the skin so users can do whatever they wish.

However, my understanding is that xhtml 1.0 strict and xhtml 1.1 do not allow iframe and since iframe is used in fckEditor I don't have any near term plans to change it in the included skins. Though again, its completely under the control of anyone who uses mojoPortal to use whatever doctype they like. My recommendation would be to stick with xhtml 1.0 transitional.

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