Gallery module - files from ftp-server

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9/5/2006 3:54:15 AM
Total Posts 19

Gallery module - files from ftp-server


I would like to modify gallery module to use pictures and files from a ftp-server (not http server). Is that possible?

Could anyone give some advice?



9/5/2006 4:43:34 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

Hi Thanh,

Do you mean the module would retrieve images by ftp from a remote server or the user would upload images by ftp to the web server and the module would then use them?

I think the second is doable, I posted here hoping someone would take on the project.

9/5/2006 4:51:00 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server


I mean that the module would retrieve images by ftp from a remote server.

9/5/2006 4:56:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

I suppose its possible but it seems like an uncommon scenario.
9/5/2006 8:34:29 AM
Total Posts 148

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

Actually, if you allow users to specify arbitrary URLs that would cover this case, the case where a user manually puts the files in the Data/Sites/... folder without using mojoportal (they'd specify the corresponding http URLs), and the case where some other server holds the images (e.g. a file sharing service).

9/5/2006 5:35:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

Interesting idea, we could easily add an url property to the GalleryImage and let it overide other settings (though I don't see myself doing this in the next few weeks or anything) How would we handle thumbnail creation with files coming from elsewhere?

I'm thinking we really need a flickr module or picassa module or both ;-)

People could also use an html module and just view the source and add img tags pointing anywhere ;-)
9/12/2006 12:04:34 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

How would we handle thumbnail creation with files coming from elsewhere?

Couldn't we do it the same way we do now, but read the file from the URL instead from the filesystem?

9/12/2006 12:30:04 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

I'm not sure I'm understanding your suggestion. When you say allow users to specify arbitrary urls do you mean creating an img tag with src=somearbitraryftpurl ?

In the current model users upload full size images and after the upload we create web size and thumbnail size images and store them on disk on the server.

So if the url is to an image on an ftp server would we create a thumbnail and store it on the web server disk or not?

Am I misunderstanding your suggestion?

9/12/2006 12:40:14 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

When you say allow users to specify arbitrary urls do you mean creating an img tag with src=somearbitraryftpurl ?

You could do that, or you could copy the image from the URL to the web server's disk.  I suspect that most people really just want a way to put a lot of images in the gallery quickly.  For many folks, copying the image from the URL to the web server's disk is going to be a lot faster than waiting for it to upload.

In the current model users upload full size images and after the upload we create web size and thumbnail size images and store them on disk on the server.
So if the url is to an image on an ftp server would we create a thumbnail and store it on the web server disk or not?

Yes.  Whether we store the original image on the web server or not, we would retrieve it when it is added so that we could generate the thumbnail and store the thumbnail on the web server.
9/12/2006 3:39:25 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

You have any interest in implementing this Dean?

I've got a lot of things already lined up to work on for a good while and this still seems kind of a strange scenario to me. A user uploads images to some other ftp server and then copies links into the module. It just seems a lot more likely they would ftp the images to some directory in the mojoportal site. Also image files can be very large if they come right out of a camera in high quality so you really need to make sure the one displayed is a reasonable web size.

My dream for a gallery would be to use F-Spot to manage my whole collection. There is already a google sharp library in mono that could be used and someone also implemented picassa support in F-Spot to export images to picassa web so a picassa module would be a solution I could get excited about.

9/12/2006 9:11:05 PM
Total Posts 148

Re: Gallery module - files from ftp-server

You have any interest in implementing this Dean?

Not for the forseeable future.

I've got a lot of things already lined up to work on for a good while and this still seems kind of a strange scenario to me. A user uploads images to some other ftp server and then copies links into the module. It just seems a lot more likely they would ftp the images to some directory in the mojoportal site.

Agreed, that's why I recommended using an URL instead of making it FTP-specific.  That would make it easier to handle the case where the image is already somewhere under Data/Sites. 

Also image files can be very large if they come right out of a camera in high quality so you really need to make sure the one displayed is a reasonable web size.

I was assuming that the web-sized image would be generated at the same time as the thumbnail.

My dream for a gallery would be to use F-Spot to manage my whole collection. There is already a google sharp library in mono that could be used and someone also implemented picassa support in F-Spot to export images to picassa web so a picassa module would be a solution I could get excited about.

Sounds good to me.

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