Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

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12/11/2009 8:44:16 AM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

OS: Microsoft Server 2008 R2 + updates

IIS: v.7.5....(the one buildt in R2)

DB: Microsoft SQL 2008 + updates

Mojo: mojoPortal

Problem: I'm creating a mojoPortal....logging in with

I'm creating my personal user with ALL assoiations to the user (contributing editor etc.)

Then I create a second, third and a forth mojoPortal with the same username (admin/admin and the editor/editor user).

Then I can't log into oyher than the forth mojoPortal.......

What do I do wrong?


12/11/2009 9:00:53 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again


You need to explain more carefully what you are doing step by step.

I have no idea what you mean:

I'm creating my personal user with ALL assoiations to the user (contributing editor etc.) 

Then I create a second, third and a forth mojoPortal

If I could understand what you are doing then maybe I could help.



12/13/2009 11:06:29 AM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

Sorry for my "short story".

All server installation is OK.

I installed the first mojoPortal. Made the user with the password "Passw0rd". Installed the second mojoPortal on the same server, exactly the same way as the first. The same with the third and fourth. 

I can logon the fourth portal as the user with standard password. But on the first, second and third mojoPortal is that now impossible! The same goes for my own administrator

I didn't realize the problem after I had installed my fourth mojoPortal on the same server. So I can logon the last installed mojoPortal, but none of the first three portals :-)


12/14/2009 5:52:57 AM
Total Posts 249

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

You installed 4 different mojoportals in 4 different databases, or using the multiple sites option?

12/14/2009 6:01:58 AM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

4 different mojoPortals in 4 different databases.

12/14/2009 6:08:39 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

Please describe the url structure, do they all use the same host name like http://somwhost/mojo1, http://somehost/mojo2 etc or do theyeach have different host names?

If they all have the same host name it is likely a problem that they all use the same domain cookies so you may need to specify cookie paths according to their folders from Web.config.

So in the example above, I would try change the first site Web.config from this:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".mojochangeme" protection="All" timeout="50000000" path="/" cookieless="UseCookies" />

to this:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".mojochangeme" protection="All" timeout="50000000" path="/mojo1" cookieless="UseCookies" />

notice the Path changed to correspond to the folder the site runs in.

Hope it helps,


12/15/2009 5:11:13 PM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again      on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\portal\default.aspx           for my first mojoPortal   on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\portal\default.aspx  for my second mojoPortal

and so different databases, on the same physical server (dc.2008server.local).


12/17/2009 12:47:24 PM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

path="/mojo1" cookieless="UseCookies" />

I'm not shure what I'm going to set the path to? Is it path="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\portal\"



?? Is it the pysical path or is it partial of the URL ??

I'm greatful for an exelent Portal! My mojo is increasing Cool for every day

12/17/2009 12:59:09 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again


If they were all using the same domain but different sub folders then the /foldername might have helped it differentiate cookies across sites.

Is it just one web site in IIS? or d each domain have a different web site?

If they are all separate IIS Web sites and separate physical installations with different databases and different domains then I cannnot think of anything that could cause this. I certainly have no trouble running multiple mojoportal sites on my server.

Why are they all running in a sub folder named portal? Why not run it in the root of the site?

Hope it helps,


12/18/2009 3:30:37 AM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

One Domain Controller (named dc.2008server.local) with Windows Server 2008 R2 [with current updates], with the new IIS v.7.5 and SQL 2008 [with current updates] and mojoPortal v.

All in different SQL databases, with different database login users [defined in web.config].

All web-sites is in different path's [or sub-folders, if you like] on the server.

Why not run it in the root of the site?

Because IIS is set the PORTAL subfoldet to an APPLICATION.............................Could that be the problem?

1/17/2010 8:10:58 AM
Total Posts 18
Children is a product of their parents!

Re: Several mojoPortals with same adminuser...can't logon again

I have now deleted all sites and the corresponding databases and installed it all again.

Don't know what caused it, but I re-booted the server between each installation...and now it works!


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