About translations of labels

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9/4/2006 2:07:35 PM
Total Posts 146

About translations of labels

Hi Joe.

I'm again !

I want to know, what do you think about of the correct translation of labels. In my country, are many words of english that we dont translate it: like "Web Site" (in spanish language are "Sitio Web"), and a lot of others...; then, and thinking in a do it a right work, I must to translate with this criterion, or I must to translate all words ?.

At this moment, I have all labels translate to spanish Chile, of mojoportal, and I want to send you for download, but I'm checking all in detail, before, to send it.

mojoPortal is more powrful, every day!!!

Joe: Excelent work!

Thanks in advance...
9/4/2006 2:51:34 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: About translations of labels

Hi Ruben,

I'd say just do what you think is best for translation.
The only thing is, if I recall, you are working in the 1.x version of mojoPortal? In 1.x we are using the culture*.config files but in 2.x we have culture-*.resx which is easily editable in VS 2005 or maybe text editor since it is xml but it was a lot of work converting the old .config files because I had to copy and paste everything into the .resx files and it took several hours for each translation. So I'm hoping you are creating the .resx. If not I can still add your translation to the 1.x version and I will try to convert it to .resx whenever I have time or mayeb you can convert it later.
In any case I'm very glad to have your translation in the project.


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