Sharing content across multiple websites

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12/8/2009 5:47:40 AM
Total Posts 2

Sharing content across multiple websites

Hi there,

I have set up two instances of Mojoportal from one installation using your handy guide (thanks!)

However, I will be wanting to have part of the same conent across both of these sites (e.g. a blog that I only have to update on one site that gets updated automatically on the other).

I have read through and noticed that you said that users can be shared across sites, but you don't mention anything (that I can see at least) about content.



12/9/2009 7:33:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Sharing content across multiple websites

Hi Tom,

No the system is not designed to share content across sites. The only sharing possible is things like consuming the RSS feed from a feature in one site from the Feed Manager in another site. So for example you could have the blog in one site and have a feed manager in another site consume the RSS feed from the blog in the first site.

If you really want to share content I would question whether you really need multiple sites, another option is to visually partition a single site, by creating different sections with different skins.



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