Problem with horizontal skins

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8/27/2006 8:40:20 PM
Total Posts 7

Problem with horizontal skins


I'm trying to make skin with horizontal menu. I copied standard Web\Data\Sites\1\skins\subblue theme to Web\Data\Sites\1\skins\newskin and made


in the for asp:Menu node. But menu still remains vertical. What am I doing wrong?


P.S.: I use mojoportal-2-1-1 for my tests
8/28/2006 2:52:20 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

Hi Alex,

the Orientation settings in SiteMenu control doesn't currently apply to the ASP.NET menu but it will in the next release. It only affects the skmMenu currently.

However you can easily correct this problem in the file in your skin folder. Scroll down the the asp:Menu section and set the Orientation there.

Hope it helps,

8/28/2006 3:52:06 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

Hi, Joe

I probably provided a bad description, but in the first post I said that I changed Orientation property in the file for asp:Menu section. As I understand, you advised me to do the same once again, yes?:)

8/28/2006 4:09:12 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

Oh I thought you meant in layout.master in the <portal:SiteMenu there is an attribute for it there but now that I look its named "Direction" not "Orientation"  Direction="Vertical".

However the Direction setting doesn't affect the ASP.NET menu in the current release it only affects skmMenu.

But I know what the problem is, we are using the CSS Control Adpater to make the menu render as ul and li instead of nested tables which is the default ASP.NET menu behaviour. Using this adapter pretty much unhooks the menu from the theme and it is all controlled from the css file

What you need to do is comment out all the css for the menu in style.css and copy it in from one of the other skins that has a horizontal menu like mojoguidetogalaxy or ibuyspy, then tweak it for the style you want.

Hope it helps,

9/2/2006 5:12:12 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

Hi, Joe

Yes, I see now that you use a Control Adapter, thnx. I applied appropriate styles and got the thing I wanted.  But it seems that using your Adapter leads to one missed point: the StaticDisplayLevels attribute for asp:Menu is just ignored. Is it possible to turn it "on" using CSS or some chnages in the adapter itself  (mojoPortal.Web.MenuAdapter) required?

9/2/2006 5:27:08 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

Hi Alex,

I'm not sure, I remember I modified it based on the one from here
and studying the white paper here

If you find a way to modify the mojoPortal.MenuAdapter to facilitate StaticDisplayLevels let me know and I'm glad to make the change. If not I'll try to look into it myself when I have a chance. I would think some additional css classes could be setup for this and then assigned in the adapter beased on the attribute.

Its possible to bypass the adapter as well by declaring a new class that inherits from ASP.NET menu. I did this during an experiment trying to decide if I wanted to use the Menu control for the MyPage feature. I ended up not using it but you can see in Web/Controls/PostBackMenu.cs (AutoPostBack also doesn't work with the adapter)

9/12/2006 11:36:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problem with horizontal skins

I see they released a new version of the CSS Adapters

and it specifically mentions that they added support for StaticDisplayLevels which you wanted and also postback which I noticed wasn't working before.

I'll try to update the mojoPortal version of this in the near future.


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