Use a form that integrates with

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11/30/2009 4:49:16 AM
Total Posts 3

Use a form that integrates with

I want to use a (simple) form where people can enter some information. Upon submit this information should be sent to This is done by defining an action in the form tag like this: <form action="" method="POST">. Then next to some visible fields there are also some hidden fields which are used to tranfer correct data over to SF.

If I try this in mojoportal I get nothing. It just calls the same page and nothing happens. Is this correct? Is that because otherwise there would be less added value for the commercial Form Wizard Pro component? I wouldn't mind buying the Form Wizard but I looked at the demo video and I doupt if I can do what I want (what I descibed above). Can you please shed some light on this? Thank you.

11/30/2009 11:09:55 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Use a form that integrates with

Hi Tom,

This problem has nothing to do with the Form Wizard Pro component. It is actually the behavior of ASP.NET. ASP.NET only allows one instance of the <form> element so your SalesForce form is being stripped when the page is served by the server. You can take a look at this post: for more information. Gregg W. posted some good links that may get you started on a solution for this issue.

Joe D.

11/30/2009 2:24:03 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Use a form that integrates with

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your answer. I will take a look to see if this will help me.

My question regarding Form Wizard Pro stays valid, can I do what I want to do (call a salesforce function, see my initial question) using FWP? If so I would seriously consider buying FWP.



11/30/2009 2:27:14 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Use a form that integrates with

I can confirm that Form Wizard Pro does not allow you to change the form action and does not have any integration with Integration with is on my long term radar but nothing I expect to get to soon.

For now the tips Joe Davis suggested are probably best or else create an html page and host it in an iframe from inside the mojo Html feature. You could paste in the iframe with the url to your html page using the html view in the editor.

Hope it helps,


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