Video streaming

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11/26/2009 9:38:42 PM
Total Posts 69

Video streaming


On a couple of postings and also in some of the training videos you mention using YouTube to host your videos and stream off their site.  But when I watch your videos, it looks just like the videos are within your site.  Is there any documentation or help that you can point me to on how to do this?



11/28/2009 7:51:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Video streaming

Hi Bryan,

Some of my early videos are hosted right on this site, but you can use the embed code provided by YouTube to embed the videos so they look like they are on your site though YouTube will put their watermark on them.

Some of the newer ones are done using Silverlight, like this one

and the embed code is pulling the video from where you can get 10GB of free silverlight hosting. I use Expression Encoder to capture and produce the Silverlight videos and embed code then I just change the embed code to the url provided when I upload the silverlight video to the service.

Hope it helps,


11/28/2009 5:06:24 PM
Total Posts 69

Re: Video streaming


Thanks for the info.  Another question if I may.

If I want to have a video that is contained in my site streamed by some other site and make it look like the video is actually streaming from the other site, do I just provide the other site a link to the page that I have embeded my vidoe object?  Or will this just cause the other site to reroute to my site?

Does this make sense?



11/29/2009 7:15:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Video streaming

The video will stream from wherever it is served. Other than the watermarks created by the various services like YouTube the video will appear to live inside your page if it is added to your page with embed code. The only other way is to link to the page on the YouTube site but that sends users away from your site. So, I think the watermarks makes it clear. If there is no watermark you could put text below the video indicating where it comes from if you wanted to.

There is nothing you can do to make YouTube re-route users to your site. You can create videos that have your own watermark in addition to the YouTube watermark. I think you would have to do that before uploading it to YouTube. This way if users find your video on YouTube they will see your site url in the watermark and that may drive some traffic to your site. So this is a good way for people to find out about your site since YouTube gets a lot of traffic. You would want to tag your videos appropriately on YouTube so people searching on tags find it, not very video uploaded to YouTube gets a lot of views. YouTube provides some premium services to help you promote videos though. Another video site worth looking at is Vimeo.

Hope it helps,


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