custom membership provider needed for existing user data ?

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8/18/2006 9:04:52 AM
Total Posts 15

custom membership provider needed for existing user data ?

Hello again,

If I wanted to provide authentication against an already exisiting database, will I need to build my own membership provider ?  I think I just answered my own question. 

The issue is that we already have an existing framework for authentication, which could probably be wrapped up into a memberhsip provider, but its not at present.
8/18/2006 9:20:05 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: custom membership provider needed for existing user data ?

Also, how do the content editors work, in general.  Ive been looking at fskeditor and freetextbox, because our app will need something similar.  How does one setup an aspx page to allow for example, just a certain paragraph to be editable ?  Im guessing its something like this:
- initial display pulls html content from database table
- give the area (div or panel ?) an id
- show link to htmleditor with paramater of what id to pull from database and display with the editor pane
- updating the content in the editor pane saves new content to database table

is that about it ?

Im probably going to skip on using mojoportal on this current project im on, since its faily small and i didnt find mojoportal in time.  The next project im doing requires more features and mojoportal looks like a fit (and a timesaver for me). 
8/18/2006 1:16:22 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: custom membership provider needed for existing user data ?

Yes you could implement a custom membership provider and that would get login and authentication working but not everything would work. The mojoPortal membership provider talks to mojoPortal SiteUser business object which in turn talks to whatever data layer is being used. While the login and user creation wizard would use your custom provider, currently the user profile page and some other things talk directly to the SiteUser object rather than going through the membership provider. Its something I may change at some point if there is demand but not high on my priority list unless someone wants to sponsor development of changes to support pluggin in additional providers.

As for the editor, my typical pattern is to have a separate page for editing content and if the user is in a role that can edit show links to this page and pass the id needed to store or create the content. Like BlogView.aspx links to BlogEdit.aspx and passes the module id and if editing existing post the post id otherwise it creates a new post.

I like FCKeditor best because it is truly open source where FreeTextBox is free in dll form. FCKeditor is all in javascript but has a .NET wrapper which allows setting and retrieving the content in server side code as well as manippulating which toolbar itmes are available. Both FCKeditor and FreeTextBox are easy to use.

Hope it helps,

8/22/2006 5:26:53 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: custom membership provider needed for existing user data ?

Actually, now that I think about it more, the Membership provider would never be involved in the User Profile page, that would be the ProfileProvider. I have actually already implemented a ProfileProvider but I haven't integrated it yet, the code is there but not being used in conjunction with SiteUser.

MembershipProvider is used by Login, CreateUserWizard (aka Registration), and PasswordRecovery controls and any Membership provider could be plugged in and those controsl would use them. But in actual practice I think you would want to have the member correspond to a row in the  mp_Users table and this row could be automatically created for users authenticated against an alternate MembershipProvider. A site user row is already automatically created in the db when authenticating against LDAP or Windows and it would be easy to do this also for an alternate  MembershipProvider.

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