Image Gallary dimensions

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11/23/2009 9:52:10 PM
Total Posts 69

Image Gallary dimensions

What are the maximum dimensions available for displaying images with the image gallary feature?

I am trying to get some large images to show (1024  x 768), but I am getting an Regex warning when I try to do this.

It also set the dimensions of the webimage height/width to 550 x 768 when this warning appears.

11/24/2009 8:56:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Gallary dimensions

Hi Bryan,

This is indeed a bug I'm surprised it has not been reported before since the bug has been there for a long time. I will fix this for the next release. Wish I had known sooner I would have fixed it for this release.

It can be solved like this:

1. Using a text editor open the file located at /Setup/applications/imagegallery/FeatureDefinitions/6000_ImageGalleryModule.config

2. Find the settings named GalleryWebImageHeightSetting and GalleryWebImageWidthSetting

3. Change the regexValidationExpression from ^[1-9][0-9]{0,2}$ to ^[1-9][0-9]{0,4}$  (the 2 was limiting to 2 digits).

4. Visit /Setup/Default.aspx

Now the above only changed the default for new instances of Image Gallery. To fix existing ones you need to run a query against the database.

UPDATE mp_ModuleSettings

SET RegexValidationExpression = '^[1-9][0-9]{0,4}

WHERE SettingName = 'GalleryWebImageHeightSetting' OR SettingName = 'GalleryWebImageWidthSetting'

Hope it helps,




11/24/2009 10:28:12 AM
Total Posts 69

Re: Image Gallary dimensions


I managed to change the values in the config file identiefied below.

Question, when you say visit /setup/default.aspx  Could you be more specific on how I should do this?  Do I do this from the site, or do I have to log in to my hosting provider and do something?



11/24/2009 10:35:48 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Image Gallary dimensions

Yes, just navigate to http://yoursiteroot/Setup/Default.aspx

The setup page will reconfigure the defaults based on the config files.



11/24/2009 2:25:31 PM
Total Posts 69

Re: Image Gallary dimensions


Is it possible to add a caption under the images?  I don't want to use compact mode.  I can add a caption that appears when I mouse over the image, but I would like to have a caption under or over the image for the user to see.



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