This is what I have worked through thus far...
"I would copy one of the mojoportal.sln files and rename it, then you can add your custom projects to this solution. Create a Web Application Project for the UI, a Class library for the business logic and a class library for the data layer."
copied C:\mojoPortalCode\mojoportal.sln to C:\mojoPortalCode\mojoportal-alt1.sln
opened C:\mojoPortalCode\mojoportal-alt1.sln with vs 2010
created new web application (WebApplication1)
right click on solution at top of Solution Explorer list, then select "Add", then select "New Project", then selected Visual C# / Web / ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework 4) Name: WebApplication1 Location: C:\mojoPortalCode
created new C# class library for business logic (ClassLibrary1_businessLogic)
right click on solution at top of Solution Explorer list, then select "Add", then select "New Project", then selected Visual C# / Class Library (.NET Framework 4) Name: ClassLibrary1_businessLogic Location: C:\mojoPortalCode
created new C# class libary for the data layer (ClassLibrary2_dataLayer)
right click on solution at top of Solution Explorer list, then select "Add", then select "New Project", then selected Visual C# / Class Library (.NET Framework 4) Name: ClassLibrary2_dataLayer Location: C:\mojoPortalCode
"Copy the Blog folder from the mojoPortal.Features.UI project up beneath your web UI project and then rename the folder, then include it in your project. ??? Change the namespace and review the code for any links where the path needs to be modified to reflect your custom folder."
copied C:\mojoPortalCode\mojoPortal.Features.UI\ContactForm to C:\mojoPortalCode\WebApplication1\ContactForm_alt1
included files in the project
opened Windows Explorer and navigated to C:\mojoPortalCode\WebApplication1, then, while holding down the right mouse button, dragged the directory ContactForm_alt1 over to the WebApplication1 item within Visual Studio 2010 "Solution Explorer"
then, right clicked on References, and added a number of references, including: ClassLibrary1_businessLogic ClassLibrary2_dataLayer mojoPortal.Business mojoPortal.Business.WebHelpers mojoPortal.Data.MSSQL mojoPortal.Features.Business mojoPortal.Features.Data.MSSQL mojoPortal.Features.UI mojoPortal.Net mojoPortal.Web mojoPortal.Web.Controls mojoPortal.Web.Editor mojoPortal.Web.Framework
"Copy the BlogResoures.*.resx files from mojPortal.Features.UI/App_GlobalResources to the App_GlobalResources folder in your wbe project, then rename them to somecustomname.*.resx. You don't need to copy the .designer.cs files. After you rename the .resx files include them in your project and VS will autmatically create the .designer.cs files."
right clicked on App_GlobalResources in mojoPortal.Features.UI within Visual Studio 2010, and selected "Copy" then, right clicked on the WebApplication1 project within Visual Studio 2010 and selected "paste" to copy all of the resources over into the new web application project
deleted all but the ContactFormResources.*.resx files, including the designer files
appended "alt1" to the beginning of all remaining ContactFormResources.*.resx files, which then automatically generated the related designer files
"Create a folder in your Web prject named Setup, then a folder beneath it names applications."
right clicked on the WebApplication1 project within Visual Studio 2010 and selected "Add...", then "New Folder", creating the new "Setup" folder, then right clicked on the "Setup" folder and selected "Add...", then "New Folder", creating the new "Applications" folder
"Copy the mojoPortal.Features.UI/Setup/applications/blog folder and put it beneath your applications folder and rename it."
copied C:\mojoPortalCode\mojoPortal.Features.UI\Setup\applications\contactform directory over to C:\mojoPortalCode\WebApplication1\Setup\Applications and renamed it to contactform_alt1
"Look in the FeatureDefinitions folder beneath that folder and rename the file 2000_BlogModule.config to somecustomname.config."
within C:\mojoPortalCode\WebApplication1\Setup\Applications\contactform_alt1\FeatureDefinitions, renamed 30000_ContactFormModule.config to alt130000_ContactFormModule.config