subMenu arrow

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8/16/2006 4:48:59 AM
Total Posts 11

subMenu arrow


It has been awhile since I looked a Mojoportal and have been asked to change the colour of the arrow that points to submenus from black to white.  Easy I thought just change the graphic in


Not so though, anyone have any suggestions about this?  I will have a dig about in the code later but any help  much appreciated.


8/16/2006 7:59:32 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: subMenu arrow

Hi Harvey,

That should be all you need to do. Have you tried clearing the browser cache or use a different image file name and modify the style.css references?

 ul.AspNet-Menu li.AspNet-Menu-SelectedWithChildren span
    background: #ECECEC url(arrowRight.gif) right center no-repeat;

Hope it helps,

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