link on photos from photo gallery

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11/21/2009 6:39:27 AM
Total Posts 122

link on photos from photo gallery

Hi joe,

is it possible from within a photo gallery (not se simple one, the other witch "zooms" the photo) to add a link feature for another page ?

It would be great... see the thumbnail, see the photo, click and see another page or other...

But I cant figure out how to do

by and thank you


12/29/2009 11:08:21 AM
Total Posts 52

Re: link on photos from photo gallery


I am also interested in this usage of the gallery. And also, as you are using GreyBox if it could be used directly to a stored picture or even an external picture. The idea is to have a thumbnail in the mojo server for an html page and then link to an external (picassa, mypicturetown, ...) big image that is nicelly opened in the "popup".

I suppose this should go in features requests, but another thing that could be nice is that instead of loading a file to the gallery one could use a link to the external image.

Greetings a merry christmas,


12/29/2009 11:51:48 AM
Total Posts 52

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

Hello again,

I have found that if you current page contents a gallery you can use code like this:

<a href=""
onclick="return GB_showImage('Flower', this.href)">A flower in my hand</a>

And it will work perfectly, but only if you have the GreyBox extentions been loaded for the gallery. I am trying to see if the can be loaded some other way.

Hope it helps,


1/2/2010 5:46:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

In the next release it will be possible to configure it to include GreyBox on every page by setting IncludeGreyBox=true on the <ScriptLoader control in layout.master.

I'm also thinking of moving the /ImageGallery and /FolderGalleries folders below the  /media folder to make it easy to browse images from the editor image browser. However, this will be tricky due to backward compatibility issues for existing galleries.



1/2/2010 8:18:57 PM
Total Posts 52

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

Great to know, I will be looking for the next release.



1/3/2010 4:00:37 AM
Total Posts 122

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

wow Joe,

i'm veeerrryy happy

and happy new year !!


1/15/2010 7:52:28 AM
Total Posts 52

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

Hello all,

I just upgraded to the new version to use the GreyBox feature outside the Gallery. It worked perfectly in my Chrome explorer. Just added to the image an <a> tag with an onclick set to onclick="return GB_showImage('Frente del Glaciar Perito Moreno 21/11/2009', this.href)". You can see it at

THe problem came when I tryed to see from IE8 y XP and Windows 7. It will show a grey page that you can scroll down, if you try to scroll you see the image and it scroll down again. I am doing anything wrong? I also checked de image gallery and it work perfectly. 



P.S.: Should I post this in "Bug report forum"? 

1/15/2010 7:54:18 AM
Total Posts 52

Re: link on photos from photo gallery

Yet another issue. When the image is too big (greater than the screen) the user cannot scroll to the left.

Any ideas?

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