Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008

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11/18/2009 4:20:58 PM
Total Posts 75

Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008

First a little background -

We are looking to consolidate all our DB's to MSSQL 2008 I will be performing an inplace upgrade of MSSQL 2005.

Mojo is currently running under MSSQL 2008 express instance which I plan on backing up and restoring to the MSSQL 2008 instance.

I am assuming that the connection string needs to change in the appropriate config file from servername\mssqlexpress to servername

Is there anything else that anyone could think of that I would need to handle prior to or during the upgrade.

Thanks in advance for any and all information


11/18/2009 4:31:55 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008

Hi Al,

You just need modify your connection string to new database that is on MSSQL 2008 in web/user.config file including servername ,username, userpassword and databasename.

Hope helps,


11/18/2009 4:32:25 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008

After restoring the db on the other machine, you will probably also need to create a new db user and make it dbo on the restored db and use it instead of the old user in the connection string.

The part about servername really depends on configuration. The \sqlexpress part after the \ is the "instance name" of the MS SQL instance. You can have more than one instance of MS SQL installed on a machine (even different versions) and they would need different instance names. There is also the concept of a "Default Instance" and this instance has no name and is just referenced by the server name or ip address.

The difference in practice boils down to differences in installation defaults. SQL Express defaults to have an instance name of SQLExpress when it installs whereas the full version defaults to be a "Default Instance" unless it detects another default instance already on the machine. But in both cases it is possible to change these during install, you can make a SQLExpress installation without an instance name just as you can create a full MS SQL install and use an instance name.

So the bottom line is when you move it to the other machine with full MS SQL it probably is a "Default Instance" and thus you won't need an instance name in the connection string, but it is possible that you would need to if it was configured differently during installation.

Hope it helps,


11/18/2009 4:49:59 PM
Total Posts 75

Re: Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008


Thanks for the quick response.

The server is staying the same just upgrading the MSSQL 2005 instance and removing the MSSQL Express instance. Sorry if I wasn't very clear on that point.

I would imagine that I could create a login on the DB when I restore and fix the user account to map to the login, using the auto_fix SP

11/18/2009 5:14:24 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Moving DB from MSSQL 2008 Express to MSSQL 2008

I knew there was a proc to un-orphan a user after restore but couldn't remember what it was without looking it up so I gave you an alternate that I could think of ;-) 

I guess I said "machine" in my reply but really its not much different moving from one instance to another vs one machine to another.

Sounds like you know exactly what you are doing and have done this kind of thing before, nothing mojoPortal specific in terms of issues I know of so I think it will go just fine.



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