Edit the new user registration page

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11/18/2009 7:25:03 AM
Total Posts 154

Edit the new user registration page

How do I edit the new user registration page?  Once I am logged in it tells me I am already logged in so I can't view the edit tab.  I basically want to add something to the effect of "we will never share your information".



11/18/2009 8:14:55 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Edit the new user registration page

Only CMS pages (ie pages in the main menu system) can be "edited", the Registration page is not a CMS page and cannot be edited.

You can create a registration agreement that tells of your privacy policy and is shown on the registration page, you could also create a /privacy.aspx page in the CMS, remove it from the menu and put a link to it in the bottom of your layout.master so it shows on every page in your site. This is what I have done on this site as you see the privacy link at the bottom.

The Registration page can also be customized with additional user profile fields.

Hope it helps,


11/18/2009 11:10:27 AM
Total Posts 154

Re: Edit the new user registration page

Got it Joe.  Thanks again!  I used the first solution.  How did the training class go?  How long did it run?

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