Google Analytics code for external links?

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11/17/2009 11:31:15 PM
Total Posts 9

Google Analytics code for external links?

First off, I absolutely love how easy it is to enter the Google Analytics code in the Site Settings and everything just works!  Cool

You helped me figure out how to set up my Donate button which ended up being a url reference to PayPal (instead of the button code) and now that's working, but I don't see any clicks in Analytics.  Is there a way to tell MP that I want all off-site/external links to also be counted?  Can I add it somehow to the url itself?  I found an example on the Analytics site, but given the Edit Link dialog in MP, I couldn't get it to work right. 

Ultimately, I'd like to be able to see how many folks are clicking on the Donate button (since that's a primary goal of the site...)



11/18/2009 8:00:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Google Analytics code for external links?


There is not a way to automatically track outbound links, but there is a way to manually create outbound links in html content that is tracked in google analytics.

I just created a document about it here:

Hope it helps,


11/18/2009 3:43:06 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Google Analytics code for external links?

I did get this working...I had to get one of my devs help me get the onclick event placed properly in the long url string for the paypal link but we got it to work.

Just as input for a future would be awesome to have a checkbox in the link properties dialog box (where I enter the url itself) that offers to include in the tracking data as well as the opportunity to enter a 'tag' for it.

Thanks again!  You're the man!


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