Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro

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11/17/2009 3:51:23 PM
Total Posts 10

Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro


We are mulling over buying a single license of each product we have a scenario in mind that we would like to use the two products alongside each other. Is the following possible?

We have a Annual meeting that a number of our customers attend that we would like to advertize the event and schedule on the Event Calendar Pro and have this point to a custom registration form built via Forms Wizard Pro.

If you need any additional information let me know



11/17/2009 3:59:59 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro

Hi Al,

Sorry but there is not currently any integration between the 2 features. Others have also asked for the ability to add custom fields to event registration, at some point I may try to tackle that but it is not something coming very soon.



11/17/2009 4:20:32 PM
Total Posts 10

Re: Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro


Given this would it be possible (perhaps through the description) to incorporate a custom link into the event in a way to have the user regsiter through the form and avoid having to use the Register for event link/button.


11/18/2009 3:06:10 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro

No, sorry but the features are not aware of each other at all and have no way of orchestrating one another.

You could link to a form from an event description and request users to fill out the form in addition to registering for the event but there is not something currently to force them to do either from the other. You could say in the description of an event that filling out the form is required and event registrations without a corresponding form will be cancelled.



11/18/2009 3:15:00 PM
Total Posts 75

Re: Ability to use Event Calendar Pro with Forms Wizard Pro


I think this is the route we are going to go. This should allow us to accomplish what we need Smile



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