Cyrillic character problem

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11/17/2009 2:35:29 AM
Total Posts 18

Cyrillic character problem

It's very nice CMS.

And i using mysql and problem is that i can't put content my language (Mongolian). After putting the contents.

It's shows me "??????" .(Menus and pages)

Is it depends on collation on mysql .

Any idea?

11/17/2009 7:20:48 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Yes, you need to use utf8 for the charset and you need to use utf8_unicode_ci for the collation when you create the database so that all tables are created with the same charset and collation.

Hope it helps,


11/17/2009 7:25:03 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Thanks for reply .

I tried as you suggest but it's same.

Even i tried put Cyrillic (Mongolian) directly to the table(Not using application directly to the table.) 

then it shows me correct one.

I think problem is that when application putting information to the table it occurs.(Datalayer)


11/17/2009 7:33:19 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cyrillic character problem


This site is using MySql, please try typing some Cyrillic text here in the forums and see if it works or not.



11/17/2009 7:34:55 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Here is some texts using XP unicode."Ххрыбхөыро хйоыбөрх йлоыблөойрхөолрйыхбөойрхылбөойхылбоөхйбхйбхөйлыро"

11/17/2009 7:35:32 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Yes mysql it's works on Forum.

11/17/2009 7:40:18 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cyrillic character problem

I checked my database and it is using utf8_general_ci for the collation, so it was probably incorrect when I told you to use utf8_unicode_ci

Hope it helps,


11/17/2009 7:55:31 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Cyrillic character problem

nope now all of my tables collation utf8_general_ci but not working.

Even i tired to create forum on my site and tried but not works.

i'm hosting it on my localhost IIS and local mysql.

Is there any specific configuration there?

11/17/2009 8:00:05 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cyrillic character problem


nope now all of my tables collation utf8_general_ci

Are you 100% sure of that? Have you inspected the collation on specific table columns? Column collation could be different than table collation.

The only thing I know is when I installed MySql I set utf8 and collation at install time and it is the default for the installation. Maybe making it the default just for a database is not enough if the installation has different settings as the default.

Hope it helps,


11/17/2009 8:08:51 PM
Total Posts 18

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Thanks for quick reply

Yes i'm sure.

now my database collation and table collation are same.(utf8_general_ci)

If you want i'll show you via screenshot of my settings


11/17/2009 8:23:08 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cyrillic character problem

Do you have this as part of your connection string?


Hope it helps,


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