Streaming video help.

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11/15/2009 1:37:30 PM
Total Posts 69

Streaming video help.

I am trying to incorporate a video into my site and am currenlty trying to use Camtasia to create .flv files.  Camtasia creates two files (a .flv file and a controller.swf file)  I am uploading both file to my site and when adding the video into my site I am selecting the controller.swf file.  It appears when I update the page to be correct, but I can't seem to get the video to start streaming.

You can see a sample of what I am referring to here:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


11/16/2009 6:37:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Streaming video help.

Hi Bryan,

I think Camtasia can also create an html page with an object tag to play the movie. I would just copy this and paste it into an html content instance using the html view in the editor, you may need to adjust paths to reflect where you upload the .flv and .swf files.

I'm no Flash guru though, so others may have better advice. I typically just upload to YouTube and then use the embed code they provide, that way they handle serving the video which tends to be large files so it is nice to offload the storage and bandwidth and work of serving the files to them.

Hope it helps,


11/16/2009 1:51:26 PM
Total Posts 69

Re: Streaming video help.


Just an FYI for you incase this pops up in the future.  But with my hosting vendor I had to enable certain "mime" formats in the web settings in order to get .flv or .mp4 flash files to work.

Thanks again for you help.


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