Adding a Content Feature to a page doesn't immediately show up

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11/15/2009 12:49:38 PM
Total Posts 37

Adding a Content Feature to a page doesn't immediately show up

Hi guys,

i thought i would resurect this forum topic again. Im using version of mojo portal and it often happens when i add new content they do not appear in the panes.

ive read the previous forum topics and have made sure the version is 3.5, there is no syste.web.extensions.dll file in the bin folder and our database is on the same server but it still happens. i tried the same on the demo site (root page : TEST, content title : DATA) with the same problem. 

if i clear my browser cache, login and retry its always appears first time. but after that it starts to not show.


11/16/2009 7:17:53 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Adding a Content Feature to a page doesn't immediately show up


I have seen this from time to time myself. I think it is a bug in the ASP.NET UpdatePanel, but I will look into it and see what I can figure out.



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