Content Versioning Javascript Error

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11/15/2009 12:29:31 PM
Total Posts 37

Content Versioning Javascript Error

Hi guys,

I think i have found a bug in the content versioning module. I tried to search the site but wasnt sure what the search terms would be :)

My scenario : With this module enabled mojoportal is correctly saving all history of the changes i make. if i decide to "delete all history" from a particular page it returns with a javascript error.

My setup : IE6 to IE8, FF, Chrome and Safari. IIS 7, Windows 2003 Server.

My steps
1. Click the delete all history button
2. When prompted to continue click yes
3. The page does not refresh / reload and the browser reports the error : Object Required (htmledit.aspx, line : 963, char : 192)

If i hit the F5 key to reload the page it has successfully deleted the history.

Any ideas?



11/15/2009 12:32:36 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Content Versioning Javascript Error

Are you using the latest release of mojoPortal? If not please upgrade, we resolved some similar issues recently.

Hope it helps,


11/15/2009 12:35:36 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Content Versioning Javascript Error

Hey Jo,

thanks for the speedy reply. I am on version I will upgrade and let you know if the problem is resolved.


11/15/2009 12:41:11 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Content Versioning Javascript Error


While I have you, and I noticed this on one of the training videos and also in the current demo site, but in some cases when you add new features to a page it does'nt always display in the list boxes. If you then click the "create new content" button again your feature appears twice in the list.

I was just about to search the forum but though id ask the question anyhoo.


11/16/2009 6:29:21 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Content Versioning Javascript Error

I have seen this myself from time to time, it seems like a bug in the UpdatePanel, but I will look into it further.

11/16/2009 4:05:43 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Content Versioning Javascript Error

Hey Jo,

Just to let you know that the upgrade to sorted the problem with clearning content history. thanks for the advice.


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