No skin after new installation?!!?

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11/15/2009 12:14:18 PM
Total Posts 76

No skin after new installation?!!?


I newly installed mojo succesfully.

But when i open my website ( then the site opens with no skin? (check it out).

When i select a new skin nothing changes?

From the Mojo faq list I dit the folowing:

After a new install it seems like there are no skins, the page shows but it has no style.

When the setup page runs and it creates the first site, all the skin files are copied from




So typically it will copy them from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/1/skins. It will only do this if the /Data/Sites/1/skins folder does not exist. Sometimes during installation it may copy some of the files but not all of them and the result will be that your site has no style. If you manually copy the /Data/skins folder to /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins and then touch your Web.config file (ie download it an upload it again or type a space in it and save it) to clear the server cache and then also clear your browser cache it will fix the problem. Typically, SiteID will be 1 in a single site installation.


But when i check my directory /Data/Sites/1/skins/ there are many different skins listed.


What am i doing wrong?


Please help?!

11/15/2009 12:17:32 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?


Even though you see skin folders there it may still have not finished copying all the files from /Data/skins to /Data/Sites/1/skins. I have seen cases where the request timed out before it completed copying the files.

I would ftp the /Data/skins folder from your local machine to /Data/Sites/1/ folder and let it overwrite all the files and this will make sure all the skins are there.

Hope it helps,


11/15/2009 1:16:38 PM
Total Posts 76

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?

Hello Joe,


many thnx for the reply. But i didn't help. I still don't get any skin to see, only plain text.

I cleared my browser cache, changed the web.config, and uploaded the skin files to the skin directory of the site.


Any more suggestions?


thnx in advanced.

11/16/2009 7:10:11 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?


When I view the source of the rendered page on your site and then I copy the url for the css and paste it into the browser navigation bar

I see an access denied error. So, the solution is to figure out why that is happening.

I think the most likely cause is listed in the error message:

"The script mapping for the file you are trying to run is not configured to recognize the HTTP verb you are using (such as GET or POST)."

ie, it sounds like IIS is not configured correctly for .ashx extension to be handled by .NET

Hope it helps,


11/16/2009 10:37:59 AM
Total Posts 76

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?

Hey Joe (hey, that's a song),

thanx for youre reply,

I believe I found it, look at the folowing text from my server-provider:

"Write permissions" allows your programs to save data to that folder.

If you assign "Write permissions" - Script and Execute permissions

will be removed. For Security reasons Programs will not be able to start

from a folder with "Write permissions" but will be able to Write and Save

files and data into that folder.


When i assign write permissions to the directory /Data then it doesn't allow anymore to execute scripts.

Which directory's have to have execute permissions? I hope they don't also need write permissions, then I have a problem?!!

Hope for youre reply.



11/16/2009 10:54:01 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?


I see you are right, when I mark a skin folder as not scriptable in IIS6 it breaks the CSS. I would not have figured this would happen because csshandler.ashx is not an existing file, any request for csshandler.ashx invokes the handler due to a mapping in Web.config. The url with the path for the skin folder is how it knows where to load the css from.

I'm sorry but I have no immediate solution to this problem but will have to look into it and see if I can come up with a solution.



11/16/2009 11:08:38 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?

Actually, I take it back, there is an immediate workaround, you can disable combining of CSS and it won't use the handler.

Set <add key="CombineCSS" value="false"/> in your user.config then touch Web.config so it reloads settings.

Or else, if it is possible to make /Data writable but make /Data/Sites/1/skins not writable that may also solve it.

Hope it helps,


11/16/2009 11:19:48 AM
Total Posts 76

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?

Hey Joe,

You're laqst suggestion worked. I now have the site shown correctly!! Thnx. I made the /data directory writable but not the skin /folder.

I hope this doesn't have any further consequents for other scripts which need to be able to run from the /data folder.




11/16/2009 1:05:27 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?

The only side effect of making the /Data/Sites/1/skins folder not writable is that you will have to upload skin files via ftp, which is what I do anyway.

In the future I have a plan to make it possible to edit skins right in the browser and when that feature is ready then the skin folder will need write permission, but in the mean time I will look into a solution so the url for the css handler doesn't have to map to the skin folder.



11/17/2009 12:26:49 PM
Total Posts 76

Re: No skin after new installation?!!?


I'm now gonna start reading about changing skin files.


gr. Hans

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