search input box

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11/15/2009 5:15:51 AM
Total Posts 9

search input box

I've added a search input box to my layout.master

When I search from the homepage or another page no results are returned, instead I am directed to the search page with a new input box. Typing my search in there does find pages. I've checked the logfiles but no entries show up when I search from the searchbox on my homepage.

Any ideas?


Maarten Strobosch

11/15/2009 8:15:02 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: search input box

Hi Maarten,

Change the ID to SearchInput1, otherwise the SearchResults.aspx page will not find the control when it does cross page postback. With a crosspage postback we get a reference to the page that posted and we have to find the control to get the text input, so it relies on a specific id.



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