Add custom Meta tags.

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11/15/2009 2:30:31 AM
Total Posts 30

Add custom Meta tags.

The page setup should allow "custom meta data" ability, where the administrator can add name value pairs for whatever meta data they want (i.e. Administrators can add a meta tag named "Google-site-verification" and then enter their verification code in the content).

I need this right now for Google Webmaster tools, which requires verification by either saving an HTML file or embedding meta data.  I would prefer meta data. 

I currently "hack" this in place by adding this to the end of the page description of my "Home" page:


Although this is a hack, it does create a propery formatted HTML with the verificaiton meta tag AND leaves page description meta tag working.

The results can be seen here:

or here:

11/15/2009 8:26:47 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Add custom Meta tags.


I have it on my Road Map to add support for custom meta tags, you can expect to see it probably in the next release.

Note that for things like google webmaster tools verification, you can add the meta tag in the layout.master file of your skin, or you can use the alternate file upload verification which I prefer rather than permanently having this otherwise meaningless meta element in the page.



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