OpenID and medium trust...

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11/15/2009 12:28:36 AM
Total Posts 16

OpenID and medium trust...

I am trying to use mojoPortal in a medium trust environment.  Even if I follow all of the documentation to configure mojoPortal to work in medium trust, I get an error (I have posted the error message before in the installation forum).  I have identified the issue to be with outgoing http and https requests, which are blocked by default in a medium trust environment.  Many hosting companies modify this aspect of medium trust, but mine ( / will not.

I did a search and found this web.config key that might solve my problem:  but it is not having the results I was hoping for.

Is this intended to completely "turn off" the dotnetopenauth assemblies?

If not, would it be possible to have a version or setting that would allow mojoportal to work in a pure medium trust environment?

11/15/2009 6:40:07 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: OpenID and medium trust...


As far as I know it can work in Medium Trust. If you posted an error which you think is related please link top the post.

The setting in Web.config eliminates all calls to the dotnetopenauth.dll from being executed. If you disable it in Web.config and it stil throws an error related to that dll you can also delete the dotnetopenauth.dll from the bin folder. This is what I do for the Mono packages because it can't work on Mono.

mojoPortal works fine in medium trust in general following the steps outlined in the documentation

If they don't allow outbound web requests then the Feed Manager may not work and OpenID may not work, but there is no need to make a separate package just for corner case hosting situations. These issues can be resolved by configuration or not using the features that don't work.

Hope it helps,


11/15/2009 6:11:54 PM
Total Posts 16

Re: OpenID and medium trust...


Thank you for the help.  It started working once I deleted the dll.


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