Too many formatting tags

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11/14/2009 5:29:57 PM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Too many formatting tags

I have found that when editing HTML-content and you step into source-mode that there are duplicates or up to eight or so formatting tags after each other. This happens when I edit content and marks some text and klick for instance the BOLD-button. It looks ok, but when you look at the source code there are many after each other. i have seen the same phenomenom with as well.

I am still using the preview version with MSSQL. I just saw in the blog that there is an upgrade which includes a new version of the editor, haven't tried with the latest, but if this updated FCKEditor is included in my build it could be a bug in the new version of the editor. I will upgrade and then report back if I find any change.


An example. Here is a snippet of the source code created by the editor.


Bilder och film.

Här är ett ...




11/15/2009 10:53:54 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Too many formatting tags

I have occasionally seen issues like this in the past with various version of FCKeditor. I think sometimes it happens if the content is already formatted and you select part of it and format it again.

If the problem continues after upgrading, you can switch back to the previous version of FCKeditor, since the files would still exist on disk from previous versions of mojoPortal. You can put this in your user.config:

<add key="FCKeditor:BasePath" value="~/ClientScript/fckeditor264/" />

to make it use the previous version.

Or you might have better luck using TinyMCE.



11/15/2009 12:16:28 PM
Total Posts 123
/Mats Lillnor

Re: Too many formatting tags

Ok, thanks.

I have not been able to recreate the problem and I am not sure exactly how it happens. All I know is that I have a few html-contents where this is appearent on many places. I will look through other sections of the site more carefully and do the upgrade. Ill let you know if it reoccurs or I find any more clues to the problem.

Pherhaps I should change editor. Is TinyMCE "the best" and your suggestion? Why is FCKEditor the default then?



11/15/2009 12:21:02 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Too many formatting tags

TinyMCE is the default on new installations. I'm using it on this site. I like it but each editor has a few quirks or differences with others.



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