controls not rendering in design mode

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11/14/2009 4:19:07 PM
Total Posts 70

controls not rendering in design mode

Controls not rendering in design time

Hello all !!!! I'm just starting out with Mojoportal (and same thing with it self) and I'm probally doing something wrong here. I have a svn project set up, with all the source, I got it running, can build it, can add to it .... But when I'm in vs2008 design of aspx the controls dont render. The message says: "Error Rendering Control XXXXXX. An unhandled exception has ocurred. Method not found: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'. I get this message in every single control that is rendered (.... well.. not rendered).

It also takes a "long" time to load the toolbox itens when I first go to design in vs2008. 

Any clues? Im really lost here ... for 2 days already :( Any help would be appreciated.... thanks in advance.

Bruno Motta


11/14/2009 4:39:34 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: controls not rendering in design mode

Things getting better. After a clean up and new SVN download, the message shows the same method every time... 

"mojoportal.Business.SiteSettings mojoportal.Business.WebHelpers.CacheHelper.GetCurrentSiteSettings()"

I'll dig arround a little more.

11/14/2009 5:15:27 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: controls not rendering in design mode

Guess what ?!?!?!?!?

Everything went back to normal !!!!! Just disabled 2 addons to get it working again: ReSharper 4.5 and Galio, rebooted and re-eneabled them. Well... I guess that's microsoft way of doing things :) I need to get used to it. Thank's every1 anyways. 

11/15/2009 7:12:26 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: controls not rendering in design mode


It would not surprise me if there are places in mojoPortal where using design view would have errors in the designer. I have from time to time seen these or people have reported them and from time to time I have fixed them. If you tell me specific controls or pages where you see this I will try to fix them.

However, the reason these issues creep in from time to time is because I don't use the designer at all nor do I drag and drop to create controls or pages, therefore I never notice these issues. The designer in visual studio is pretty limited under the best conditions but it does not work well with mojoPortal in general even when there are no errors, the designer will not render the same as it will render at runtime. This has everything to do with the fact that the skin/css used is determined by the skin setting on the SiteSettings object which can be resolved at runtime but not at design time because there is no http context or web request at design time.



11/15/2009 1:54:33 PM
Total Posts 70

Re: controls not rendering in design mode

(well ... at least, not in DotNet)Thanks for your feedback Joe !!! 

I'll keep my eyes open for the design errors ... but what I will really do is try to follow your "way of doing things" ..... I hate VS design and will try to stay away of it :)

PS: A big THANK YOU for mojoPortal. No other CMS (at least not a DotNet CMS) can carry out that much OOA and OOD principles while still working like a charm  !!!!

11/16/2009 6:27:06 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: controls not rendering in design mode

The intellisense in source view is what I rely on, I just type <asp: and then intellisense makes it easy to find the controls and properties of interest.

But, fyi, I poked around a bit in design view and found where the ModuleTitle control was breaking design view in some places and was able to fix it. If you do svn update and rebuild it will have the latest fixes. If you do see any others let me know, I would prefer to not have errors in any design views, I just fail to notice them because I so seldom even look at design view.



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