going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage

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11/12/2009 8:10:51 AM
Total Posts 4

going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage

I have a question can anyone assist me on this?

i was implementing an Arabic website using mojoportal. now i realised sth very important:

in the menu, the homepage tag which is written in arabic should come first on the right (that how arabic is written from right to left) and should be the website's page that opens first!

how can i do it?

11/12/2009 9:08:03 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage


You must customize your skin . you can get some right to left skins from mojoportal Persian Community at this page. But  fyi some of them may not work with new version of mojoPortal.

Hope Helps,


11/26/2009 12:23:41 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage


i have found this http://fa.mojoportal.com/ i guess it's persian but i cant read it. isnt it there an english or arabic version of this page?

and also i need to ask you: i have downloaded the mojoportal and i finished the website. now i realised that i have this problem because it's the first time i do an arabic website (the problem of the homepage tag), so what should i do? should i download the persian version and redo the work again? or can i link it to the existing database and i can copy the content from my site to the new one?

would you help me more on this pls?

and can you tell me if i should download it from where should i do it? or i can get only some skins from persian?

awaiting your reply. thanks a lot!

11/26/2009 1:05:50 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage


You can download one skin from right to left version of existing skins , unzip it and upload it to skins folder of your site(for example: [yourDomainName]\Data\Sites\[1]\skins). If you have a live address of your site one the Internet I can see it.

I am in progress to make a right to left of all existing skins , but for we have only to ready right to left skins.

Hope Helps,



11/26/2009 8:51:20 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage

should i download the persian version

There is no Persian version of mojoPortal. The Persian Community site is for Persian documentation and forums and it runs on the same version of mojoPortal. Asad is the manager of the Persian Community and also can help you with rtl skins and rtl design issues.



11/30/2009 2:40:25 AM
Total Posts 71

Re: going the 1st page at the right in the menu as my homepage

hi, I have created some skins, you can use thm,


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