How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

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11/11/2009 7:25:51 PM
Total Posts 3

How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

I'm new MP and getting ramped up on it.  I have an unusual client request and am wondering if anyone has some suggestions...  They are a high school and as such need their site hosted on the county school system servers.  That means no server-side tech, just static files html/etc.  But, they want CMS type capabilities to create/edit pages.  The idea being that once those pages are edited they would then be FTP'd to the county servers.

My question is there a way without too much pain to give them a site that I host MP upon that would essentially create their site in MP like normal but anytime an edit occurred, I'd then capture the HTML stream output for that page, write to a HTML/JS/etc series of files and then upload to their servers...?  I know it's crazy but they are limited by their county's security and server constraints.  But, I want to get away from hacking together some completely custom quasi-CMS app/tool for them from the ground up.

Any ideas?  Hopefully this makes sense, I'll elaborate if needed...


Chris in Atlanta

11/12/2009 6:35:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

Hi Chris,

Sorry, but no, I do not know of any way to export a static html site from mojoPortal. You might do a little googleing and maybe you can find a cms that does that, but generally content management systems are designed to take you beyond what is possible with static html. Static html has no way to enforce security other than file system permissions you might setup on the web server whereas mojoPortal and most CMS systems are designed for role based security and personalized user experience. While you might find something that can export html, I doubt very much that it will have features like contact forms, blogs and forums or anything interactive as these things all require some kind of server side code.

It's a shame they have such limitations, mojoPortal is used in other school systems including K-12 and universities.

mojoPortal requires ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and one of our supported database platforms.



11/12/2009 7:51:14 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

Thanks Joe.  I know, it's too bad they have the constraints as they do but perhaps I can get them onto a more advanced/typical server configuration somehow.  They need the features of a CMS including all of the items you mentioned but unless I can get them onto a decent platform, I'm not sure how to offer them these type of capabilities...  We'll see.  I meet with them today and will have a more clear picture of what can be done.

Thanks again!


11/12/2009 10:40:16 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

What restrictions are there on the servers? No database support, no ASP.NET support, no support for anything?

I am asking because there are a few CMSs out there that while they do require .NET, they don't need a database. mojoPortal requires a database no matter what but you could use sqlite which doesn't require installation by the host. I used to use the My Web Pages Starter Kit ( and it doesn't need a database at all. It creates files for all of its content.

If you have absolutely no .NET support on the server, you might be able to cobble together a single HTML file that uses jQuery Load to load the site into the browser. This is by no means a solid solution but it might get you by until you can convince the district to setup a single server with .NET.

Joe D.

11/12/2009 10:46:54 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: How to use MP to create a mirror but static site

Right, nothing but static files are allowed on the servers.  So, technically yes I could have a sqlite .DB file on the site but without .Net I can't use it/etc.  I know, it's rough...  We'll see.  My hope is that I can at least somehow host the admin/CMS on an external server/system and then possibly upload static HTML to their district servers. 

Thanks for help!

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