MemberList IE Skin

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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11/10/2009 5:44:58 PM
Total Posts 37

MemberList IE Skin

Hi guys,

I have created 2 skins to use on a sample mojoportal site, with the main difference being a 3 column background image. Ive set the skin for all my user pages as having the 3 column background image and left the default for the site (ie. so that it gets used by all the modules and administration pages) without this background image.

Everything works great except the MemberList.aspx page. For some reason it takes the same skin ive got set on my home page. ie PageID = 0. The sitemap pages works ok, its just the memberlist.aspx page. Am i doing something wrong or does mojo incorrectly use the homepage skin (or pageid = 0) for the memberlist page?

Any help would be appreciated.


11/10/2009 5:52:12 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Sorry, i forgot to mention that this only happens in IE compatability mode. If i use IE8 it renders correctly but thats because its using the standard css style sheets and not my IE7 specific css.

The main issue here though is why does the memberlist.aspx page use the same skin as the home page and not the site default?

11/10/2009 5:55:41 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Got it sorted. For anyone who has the odd issue all i did was clear my browsers cache. i read a post of Jo's in another forum entry about caching of skins so gave it a go. Hoorah !

11/10/2009 5:58:56 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Oops, spoke to soon. I forgot that by clearing my browsers cache etc is switched off compatability view mode.Frown

The problem still persists. I can only image it has something to do with the memberlist.aspx page using the same skin as my page with PageID = 0.

Any ideas?

11/13/2009 11:49:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: MemberList IE Skin


It is not using the skin based on pageid, but it is using the same skin as the first page in the site rather than the default skin from site settings. I will fix this for the next release.



11/13/2009 11:55:52 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Actually, I take it back, when I test it locally it is not using the home page skin for the member list, it is using the site default skin. I cannot produce the problem, perhaps there are more steps involved to produce it. If you can produce the problem on I will look into it as abug.



11/15/2009 12:21:57 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Hey Jo,

Thanks for the reply, the problem seems to be only in IE6 or IE 8 compatibility mode (ie. IE7). Im not sure what causes the issue but was able to fix it by using the custom IE and IE7 css files and adding a hardcoded link to these css files within the memberlist.aspx page. I know its not ideal but it worked for me so there you go Cool.

Ill try to get you better information this week and post back here when i do.

Thanks again.


11/15/2009 12:24:52 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: MemberList IE Skin

Are you sure you don't also have user skins enabled? In this case it will use the user preferred skin.

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