If you have questions about using mojoPortal, you can post them here.
You may want to first review our site administration documentation to see if your question is answered there.
Hi All,
Has anyone tried hosting a multiple site installation with reliablesite.net? I've had one site running there for some time with no problem, but I've tried to add a second site using the host header and adding a second website in the dotnetpanel that points to the web root folder of the first site. I can navigate to the second site just fine and I get the new skin with the default mojoPortal home page, but none of my logins work. If anyone has any thoughts on this one I would appreciate it. I have the portal version MSSQL (2005).
The new site will use it's own logins. Have you tried admin@admin.com and password admin?
Oh yea! I was just looking in the database for clues and realized that very thing and logged in with it. I was thinking that my admin login for the primary site would get me in the new one (for some reason.) But thanks Joe. That was a good call.