role-based parent page setting

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10/30/2009 1:48:49 PM
Total Posts 51

role-based parent page setting

Hey Joe

Not sure if this is a bug or not, so posting here.

I have certain pages that are only viewable and editable by users in the content author roles, meaning they have access to the page settings menu. On this page, they can change the designated parent page, but I'd rather they not be able to do this (some pages will have as many as a dozen people accessing them, and I don't want the page to suddenly move and no one can find it.)

Even if there is no other page they have access to, making the dropdown empty, when they save the new parent page is set to 'root'

I tried going into PageSettings.aspx and setting the parent page dropdown (id=ddPages) to Enabled="false" to solve the immediate problem, but the 'Parent Page' dropdown is still getting set before it gets disabled (so, in the "root" problem above, it's still setting it to root.) 

I'm wondering if there's any config option that I missed that would allow my content authors the ability to add content features to the page without allowing them access to the settings, or at least disabling the parent page dropdown?

Has anyone else had this problem?

11/3/2009 9:12:00 AM
Total Posts 51

Re: role-based parent page setting

Hey Joe -

Just to extend on this post, I've combed through web.config and found nothing.  However, under admin > site settings > security tab > permissions tab, one of the panels is 'Roles NOT allowed to edit feature instance settings.'

It seems like it would be a logical extension of this security setting to allow admins to go up a level, to 'Roles NOT allowed to edit page settings.'  Is this something that would be fairly easy to add?

11/3/2009 9:44:34 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: role-based parent page setting

Hi Kevin,

You may want to take a look at this post: I think this issue has been fixed in the current preview release available at the Novell download site ( Just look for the most recent file.

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

11/3/2009 10:52:11 AM
Total Posts 51

Re: role-based parent page setting

Joe D, you hit the nail on the head!  Thanks for setting me straight.

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