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Hi Joe
I love mojoPortal and have just completed my first custom "Feature". I am working on a community web site and we have been having some issues with our hosting company. Every so often the site became unavailable. The remote application pool stopped. We blamed them, they blamed us.
Today I realised what the problem is. The keepalive Url in the web.config was incorrect. The thread that runs the "keep alive" was faulting and this was causing the app pool to stop. This is more of a feature enhancement than a bug report, but can you look to put some better error handling around the keep alive? One of our problems was that there were no errors written in the mojoPortal log and we don't have access to the server's event log.
Keep up the good work.
Hi David,
Thanks for the feedback.
I have just implemented better error handling and logging for the AppKeepAlive task in my copy so it will be in the next release.