Google site map problem

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10/15/2009 4:23:38 AM
Total Posts 69

Google site map problem


We have a site where some of the links in the main menu point to a different domain. The problem is that when the sitemap is generated (SiteMap.ashx) Google's Webmaster Tools rejects it because of the external links with the message 'This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location.'

Any suggestions as to how to fix this?

10/15/2009 8:15:21 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Google site map problem

Go to Administration > Add/Edit Pages, find it in the list and click the gears to get to page settings. Then uncheck the box "Include In Site Map"

Hope it helps,


10/15/2009 10:56:56 AM
Total Posts 69

Re: Google site map problem

ok, done that but 'Include In Site map' isn't one of the options available

10/15/2009 12:15:39 PM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Google site map problem

What version of mojoPortal are you running? You can check this by going to Administration > System Information.

-Joe D.

10/16/2009 2:46:36 AM
Total Posts 69

Re: Google site map problem

10/16/2009 6:31:08 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Google site map problem

Thats a very old version, it does not include the "Show In Site Map" option. Upgrading would be desireable but a couple things to be aware of before upgrading a version that old.

1. The latest version of mojoPortal requires .NET 3.5 SP1 whereas your current version only required 2.0.

3. There have been changes to our skinning system that will require changes to your skin.

Note also that unchecking the "Show In SiteMap" (in the current version) also would remove the link from the user site map page. I'm going to add a separate setting for the next version to differentiate between the search engine site map and the user site map.

Hope it helps,


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