image upload in html module

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10/14/2009 11:50:46 AM
Total Posts 125

image upload in html module

I am using CKEditor in the html module. I try to upload a image with the "browse server" button and the starting directory is under " /data/sites/1". My images folder are under directory "/data/sites/myimages/, is there any way I can go up one level in the directory? Or I have to store my images under "/data/sites/1/" folder?


10/14/2009 1:03:33 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: image upload in html module

You must store the images in the /1/ directory because that is the directory your site gets its site specific files from.

Joe D.

10/14/2009 1:35:26 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: image upload in html module

I have two sites sharing some images, so I put the images folder under the /data/ folder rather than /1/ folder.

10/14/2009 1:39:02 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: image upload in html module

Well, you can still use the images, you just can't use the image uploader and browser to get to them. At least I don't think there is a way to do it.

Joe D.

10/14/2009 1:41:49 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: image upload in html module

I will see about adding a config setting for the next release that would allow admins to browse/upload starting at /Data.



11/17/2009 11:38:42 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: image upload in html module

Have this been fixed in the new release? If so, how to use that?

Have a good day!

11/18/2009 3:37:59 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: image upload in html module


Sorry I did not get to this for the release, but I am implementing it right now.



2/16/2012 11:14:55 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: image upload in html module

Did this ever get implemented? I have 7 sites using the majority of the same images and its definitely not a good use of server space to replicate them.  Let me know - thanks.



2/17/2012 1:32:36 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: image upload in html module

Hi Lindsay,

Yes, this was implemented sometime in 2009. If you have a release newer than, you can add 

<add key="AllowAdminsToUseDataFolder" value="true" />

to your user.config and then Admins will be able to browse the /Data directory.

Be sure to open the web.config, add a space to the bottom and then save it. This will cause your website to restart which is required to re-read the user.config.

Joe D. 

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