HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

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10/14/2009 4:14:56 AM
Total Posts 149
mojoPortal Skinning, Custom Development and Support in Italy?

HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

Hi Joe,

I have just noticed that if the Slideshow of Elements is enabled in a HTML content instance, the mouse click on a link changes the slide instead of opening the hypertext link.

The link itself works.
If you right-click the link, the mouse trigger is bypassed and you can open the URL in a new browser window.


10/19/2009 9:31:17 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

Hi Diego,

I looked into this today and there does not seem to be a possible fix to make links in slides work as there is not a setting on the jquery cycle plugin that allows me to override this behavior. It seems the only way that links can work is if they are top level elements, ie the links themselves are the slides, as in this example. It does not seem to work if links are inside paragraphs that are slides.



1/18/2010 1:02:37 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements


I had to solve this issue today for a client. I used an OnClick event on the IMG element to make it work. So my HTML looks like this:

<a class="NoLinkBorder" href="/weddings.aspx"><img alt="WeddingPhoto" height="117" onclick="location.href='/weddings.aspx';" src="/Data/Sites/1/media/ADs/WeddingAd.jpg" width="172" /></a>

<a href=""><img alt="Join us on Facebook" height="118" onclick="location.href='';" src="/Data/Sites/1/media/ADs/FacebookAd.jpg" width="172" /></a>

By keeping the HTML anchors in place, the browser will display the correct mouse cursor and the links will still work if JavaScript is not enabled.

Hope this helps someone,
Joe D.

2/24/2010 4:50:47 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

Hi, I met the same problem again. Do someone have a better solution now? Thanks

5/19/2010 7:12:46 AM
Total Posts 165

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements


I tried this for the Piggy's site, but no luck.

Am I doing something wrong in the code:

<div><strong><a href="/comments.aspx" onclick="location.href='/comments.aspx';">Read All Comments</a></strong></div>



5/19/2010 8:09:06 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

try this:

onclick=",'_self');return false;

5/19/2010 8:15:20 AM
Total Posts 165

Re: HTML Content: Hyperlinks don't work in Slideshow of Elements

That worked!!!!  Your the BEST!!!!

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