Possible but with <customError>

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10/13/2009 10:33:15 PM
Total Posts 64
Gerry Roston gerry (at) pairofdocs (dot) net

Possible but with <customError>


I am having problems with a custom module. To debug, I tried

  • Replacing <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="Error.htm"> with <customErrors mode="Off">
  • Commenting out the <customErrors> block

In both cases, as soon as I tried submitting data with my custom form, I got the following error:

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

Source File: http://mySite.org/ScriptResource.axd?d=l53QigJd3KGiEVv-3KumAbiX189-7RprPkX3_4MKfr48x-zQ4acbiUL9qUInbHCWu2s-MF7AB9KFkBJsbx9-r2_qlYOMuy2xsfFaHgwe6Hs1&t=68b57ea0

Line: 5

When I reset <customError> to the default (as delivered), everything works fine again.

10/14/2009 9:51:25 AM
Total Posts 2252

Re: Possible but with <customError>

Hi Gerry,

I am a little confused, if everything works fine when customErrors is set to the mojoPortal default, what prompted you to set it to Off? I ask this because one would usually not make a change to this setting unless they were experiencing issues with the application.

Just a tip for future reference, considering you have developed a custom module, the best place for this post would be in the Developer Forum.

Joe D.


10/14/2009 10:23:56 AM
Total Posts 64
Gerry Roston gerry (at) pairofdocs (dot) net

Re: Possible bug with <customError>


By 'fine' I meant that the bug was still there, but at least I could submit the form. (I did track down my bug, but without being able to see the error messages in the browser, it made things a bit more challenging.)

10/14/2009 11:15:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Possible but with <customError>

When you set customErrors to Off, it showed you this error in the page right?


Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500


Source File: http://mySite.org/ScriptResource.axd?d=l53QigJd3KGiEVv-3KumAbiX189-7RprPkX3_4MKfr48x-zQ4acbiUL9qUInbHCWu2s-MF7AB9KFkBJsbx9-r2_qlYOMuy2xsfFaHgwe6Hs1&t=68b57ea0


Line: 5

So thats what it is supposed to do if an error occurs and customErrors is set to Off. Sometimes you don't always get real helpful error messages depending on the nature of the error. Any unhandled error will be logged int he mojoportal log so that is another place to look for error messages.

Hope it helps,


10/14/2009 11:24:58 AM
Total Posts 64
Gerry Roston gerry (at) pairofdocs (dot) net

Re: Possible but with <customError>

Thanks for clarifying - I now know for next time.

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