Edit access problem for admin user

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7/18/2006 2:08:09 AM
Total Posts 2
God gives every bird its food, but does not always drop it into the nest.

Re: Edit access problem for admin user

Guys, I need some help please. It seems to be a role/permission/user/data/ type of problem.

I managed to install 2.1 successfully, running SQL Server 2005 Express, Win 2000 Pro, IIS.

When I log in as admin@admin.com it looks like Ii'm logged in, but  I do not get any ADMIN  link.
After  trying to open one of the aspx files in /admin folder directly, I got this error:

Edit Access Denied

Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have access to modify the current page content. Please contact the site administrator to obtain edit access.

I dont think its a file permission problem, as virtual directory with permissions all set up. As I am not sure what the roles are I added roles from 1 to 5 from user 1! to try to hack it...

Anybody ever had something similar?
Its quite frustrating, as I really am keen to play with my new toy. (also want to evaluate for possible intranet app)

7/18/2006 3:44:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Edit access problem for admin user

The only things I can think of that might cause that is:

1. if there was an error during the initial creation of the data and the admin user was not added to the admin role. You might look in the db and see if the admin user has roles or if roles even exist in the roles table.

2. on a dev machine if you are logged into more than one localhost site like localhost/mojoportal and localhost/someotherapp the cookies form the 2 apps can interfere with one another.

You might also double chack your IIS settings to make sure both anonymous and windows authentication are checked under the  Directory Security tab.

Hope it helps,

7/18/2006 4:49:53 AM
Total Posts 2
God gives every bird its food, but does not always drop it into the nest.

Re: Edit access problem for admin user

Thanx Joe. But I solved the problem, it was one of those typical "soft" bugs that cause a developer the most grey hairs!

With all the comment/uncomment fiddling in the web.config I commented out the whole <authentication> tag!

I un-commented <authentication mode="Forms"> and all now OK. Nice thing about forums: nobody can see when you blush...
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