SVG support

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10/8/2009 3:41:10 AM
Total Posts 16

SVG support

Hi Joe!

First of all, your last releases are just great. Keep up the great work! I am just merging 20+ websites form DNN to mojoPortal. Only thing DNN has in mojoPortal lacks is the Report-Module (As I am writing an replacement-feature, maybe I will contribute that at a later stage).

I want to add something I deem very nice on your radar. Searching for a very special customer-solution (he simply wanted to show SVG-files) I found this.

It's basically an SVG-object-model including a renderer. It took zero time to install the SVG-IAsyncHttpHandler into my mojoPortal-installation. So, basically I was able to add SVG-support to ANY browser accessing mojoPortal. Furthermore, I included SVG-calls to my skin. I'm pretty sure, you are grasping the possibilities behind that.

As the software is just version 0.52 I would not include it in release-packages. But to me, it seems pretty much feature-complete. As I said, just want to put it to your radar.

best regards


10/8/2009 9:15:40 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: SVG support

Hi Markus,

That is an interesting project. I've bookmarked it for further review.



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