Cannot add new product

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10/6/2009 1:51:48 PM
Total Posts 125

Cannot add new product

Although I add a new product from the Product Administration, it did not show up in the " Product List" in the webstore page. I just try it from the mojo demo site and it has same problem.  I have checked the "show in product list?" box in the Edit Product panel.

10/6/2009 1:59:34 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot add new product

Products are not sold directly but via Offers so you must configure an Offer to sell a product. This makes it possible to have more than one product bundled in an Offer. It also makes it possible to sell a product in more than one Offer.

Hope it helps,


10/6/2009 2:04:49 PM
Total Posts 125

Re: Cannot add new product

I got it. Sorry for bothering  you with such a naive question.  Thanks

10/6/2009 2:10:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Cannot add new product

I think it is not so obvious, so I don't mind the question. Eventually I plan to make a new product wizard to make it more user friendly and it will create the product and the offer in one go.

There is also a module setting to determine whether your product list emphasizes offer or products. If most of your offers have one product then its better to emphasize products but if you are mainly selling offers with more than one product say albums of mp3 files then an offer emphasis is better.

Its flexible but a little cumbersome still. It will evolve over time to improve.



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