Workflow in Demo Site

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10/6/2009 10:03:13 AM
Total Posts 18

Workflow in Demo Site

Hi Joe,

The Demo site doesn't have the Content Workflow settings visible - is this something you could enable please? I've discovered a possible bug and would like to see if its something I'm doing in our solution.


10/6/2009 10:09:27 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

Hi Kevin,

I've enabled it. Let me know what if any issues you find and let me know when finished so I can disable it again.



10/6/2009 10:11:29 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

Just out if interest, why is not enabled by default?

10/6/2009 10:30:05 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

Because its less likely that people will understand how to test it and setup various users to see how it really works and more likely that various users all testing the site will just get it into a confusing state which will make it seem more complex than it really is to use mojoPortal. Typically everyone is logging in as admin for testing.



10/6/2009 11:04:10 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

Yeah, that makes sense.

I've done my testing on Demo, and thankfully it was working as expected, so the bug must be in our code. :(

Thanks for your help, you can disable it now,


10/6/2009 11:12:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

Glad to hear it! and glad to help.

You had me worried because I just submitted this release to the Web App Gallery and would have been bummed if there was any major bug. So I'm relieved that you didn't find any problem.



10/6/2009 11:22:18 AM
Total Posts 18

Re: Workflow in Demo Site

It would have surprised me because the bit i had an issue with was tested exhaustively by both me and I'm guessing you whilst it was being developed.


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