Easy content animation/slide shows

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10/6/2009 1:02:02 AM
Total Posts 122

Easy content animation/slide shows

Hi Joe,

I'm trying to let work rhe transition... as you explained:

<<Easy content animation/slide shows

Our Html Content feature now has content animation built in. You can enable it in the settings of an Html Content instance and it will create a slide show based on the content using cool transitions that you can also configure in the settings. The animation uses the jQuery Cycle Plugin. It can rotate images paragraphs or any html content. People often ask how to rotate images in their custom skins, so I've also added image rotation in the andreasvicklund-02-alt2 skin to give an example how to do this.>>

I can not get it work...

I've tried on Mojoportal Demo ... you can see it in "home/mikimiki/try photo and text transition"

What do I wrong ?.. parameters are set.. may be I must recall Jquery Cycle Plugin somewhere ??

By and thank you in advance


10/6/2009 6:21:27 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Easy content animation/slide shows


The reason the page you created on demo.mojoportal.com does not rotate is because all the content is contained in 1 <p></p> so it has only 1 slide. It treats all first level html elements as slides but in this case there is only 1 first level element and it contains all the content so there is only 1 slide.

I can fix that by moving those images out of the p or putting them in separate p elements.

On your own site, also make sure your layout.master has the <ScriptLoader control like other skins do.

Hope it helps,


10/6/2009 7:18:19 AM
Total Posts 122

Re: Easy content animation/slide shows

as usual.. great.. it works

thank you



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