company logo

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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10/5/2009 6:04:41 AM
Total Posts 15

company logo

Hi all

I am new to mojoportal. I am trying to import one skin to it and I would like to replace the sitetitle which is in text and comes from the database with a gif logo and keep the sitetitle as alt text. I wonder what is the best way of doing this, considering that as recommended I shouldn't touch the code.




PS: I looked at the code, there is some attribute TitleOverride. What is that? Can it be used for such circumstances?

10/5/2009 7:10:18 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: company logo


There is nothing wrong with making a custom skin. Copy an existing one from your /Data/Sites/1/skins folder and rename it, then you can set it as your skin.

Next edit the layout.master file of your skin, you can replace the SiteTitle control with any markup of your choosing, so you can put a link to your home page with an image and alt text as you like.

Hope it helps,


10/5/2009 8:23:28 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: company logo

Hi Joe

Thank you very much for the reply! You are doing a great job! I wanted to do this but just wanted to make sure that's the right thing to do. Because, I saw skins don't have much html markup and most of it is coming from the code. I thought there might be a reason for that.

Now there is another problem for the solution you gave, what if I want the exact sitetitle variable to be the alt text? I mean I don't want it to be hardcoded and I want it to come from the DB as it was. I mean how can I get sitetitle unformatted and use it somewhere in the skin? (I am asking this just to know how can I do other things later on otherwise hardcode will do my job).

Also, another question when I use img tag to include the logo, how can I include the path dynamically from where the actual skin resides? I don't want to give full url.

I guess it will be nice skin, so I will donate it to the project after it finishes.



10/5/2009 9:11:03 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: company logo

I found the answer to the second question, I did URL re-basing using dynamic code and it works.


10/5/2009 9:46:01 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: company logo

There is a SiteLogo control used in some skins that will use the SiteName as the alt text. jsavard-mojoportal is one example as is the i7media-horizontalmenus skin.

Then you may need to use css to position it as you would like.

Hope it helps,


10/6/2009 5:24:16 AM
Total Posts 15

Re: company logo

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