Blog with windows live writer

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10/4/2009 10:31:46 PM
Total Posts 125

Blog with windows live writer

Windows 7, SQL server 2005, mojo

I try to use the windows live writer with the blog and setup process is fine. When I post an entry, is shows error message:

Server Error 0 Occurred

Could not save post to blog.. Message: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM..


10/5/2009 7:22:35 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Blog with windows live writer


Recently we added support for posting future publish dates when using Live Writer. I'm guessing this must have introduced this error if you don't specify a publishing date. I will fix this for the next release. In the menatime you can either specify a publish date from LiveWriter or add this to you user.config

<add key="DisableUseOfPassedInDateForMetaWeblogApi" value="true" />

and then it will just use the current time for publish date.

Please let me know if these workarounds solve it for you.



10/5/2009 10:43:00 AM
Total Posts 125

Re: Blog with windows live writer

Thanks. It works both ways.  Very cool feature. Like it very much!Smile

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