JScript Error in IE

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9/29/2009 1:19:58 PM
Total Posts 10

JScript Error in IE

Mojo Portal Version: 
Database:  Firebird
Browser:  IE 8.0, 7.0

Howdy folks...

We are using Mojo for the main structure of our application and we have run into a strange bug. It only happens running IE as your default browser, and it only happens when you do not have an internet connection. The error is thus:

Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Expected
$('div.yui-navset').each(function(n){var myTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView(this.id);})

This is apparently called in the ScriptLOAder.cs, and it doesn't seem to happen with Mozilla or Chrome. We can't seem to understand why it is isolated IE since there appears to be no parsing of browser types when constructung the tabviews.

Does anybody have any idea what this is and why it is happening?  Many thanks for your help.









9/29/2009 1:25:31 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: JScript Error in IE


I recommend upgrading to the new version and see if the problem persists.

Hope it helps,


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