secure folder with 100's of html pages

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9/29/2009 10:54:19 AM
Total Posts 245
mojoPortal Community Expert

secure folder with 100's of html pages


Is there a way of having a folder with 100's of html pages forced to be under mojoPortal security.

We have an Oracle database and our Toad Tool generates pages for each database objects (hundreds).  We would like developers to have access to this but once they access the first page, they have left the mojoPortal security umbrella.  We have this folder inside the data directory.

It's easy enough to have the first page secure but once they begin further navigation... gone.  I could write a C# app or have CodeSmith mod the pages???

My gut feel is that this can not be done.

9/29/2009 11:02:20 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: secure folder with 100's of html pages

I think maybe it can be done in IIS 7 if you make .NET the handler for all files like in the article for using extensionless urls. That setting <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"> invokes .NET for all requests including requests for images and html files etc.

However then to enforce role permission you would need to implement a custom HttpModule and plug it in using Web.config modules section.

Inside the module you would check if the request was for an html file in the particular folder, if not then do nothing, if so then check the WebUser.IsInRoles() for your allowed roles and if not in the role redirect to access denied page.

Hope it helps,


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