buttonlink style

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9/29/2009 4:40:05 AM
Total Posts 22

buttonlink style

Hy all,

in which css can I find settings for "buttonlink" class? Skin is dcarter-orangesunset. I'm using firebrid and all I get is this link  .../Data/Sites/1/skins/dcarter-orangesunset/csshandler.ashx?skin=dcarter-orangesunset


9/29/2009 8:24:59 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: buttonlink style


It will more than likely be in either the stylecolors.css, stylelayout.css, or style.css.

Also, take a look at my second reply to this post: http://www.mojoportal.com/Forums/Thread.aspx?thread=3508&mid=34&pageid=5&ItemID=4&postid=14575.


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