the feedback window for the rate the content

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9/28/2009 2:49:22 PM
Total Posts 125

the feedback window for the rate the content

the feedback windows for "the rate the content' pops out eveytime I open a page in for example,

It won't go away, doesn't matter what I do.

9/28/2009 3:05:06 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: the feedback window for the rate the content


Thanks for reporting this. It seems to be an IE specific bug. I will look into it. In  the meantime I've disabled the rating comments in all pages on this site via a database query.



9/29/2009 9:28:07 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: the feedback window for the rate the content


I have fixed this and re-uploaded the release to Codeplex. I "think" all you would need to replace if you already upgeraded to is mojoPortal.Web.dll and mojoPortal.Features.UI.dll and /Controls/mojoRating.ascx



9/29/2009 10:46:36 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: the feedback window for the rate the content

Ugh! I swear I had this fixed, went for a bike ride and when I came back it was broken again on my local machine.

Its some kind of conflict between ms ajax and jquery, seems to have something to do with timing of when msajax thinks the pages is loaded vs when jquery thinks it is which is why it seemed like I had it fixed.

for now I recommend leave rating comments disabled. I will definitely fix this for the next release.



9/30/2009 6:31:37 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: the feedback window for the rate the content

Ok, I finally figured out what was causing this and fixed it. I had upgraded to a new version of the oomph javascript and it was causing a conflict with jQuery that produced this symptom.

I've patched the reelase so if you already upgraded you only need to download it again and then replace the file /ClientScript/oomph/oomph.min.js



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