Stand-alone page(s) created in mojo

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9/28/2009 5:23:54 AM
Total Posts 5

Stand-alone page(s) created in mojo


I've been playing around with mojo for a few days now. I've skimmed through the skinning and development docs but I don't feel confident that what I want is possible.

I would love to use all the great mojo functionality to create "stand-alone" pages. Ie. a page without any menus or navigation. Just a few custom made features to display messages depending on settings in our in house ERP system and then some semi-static information which should be editable by non-html savvy users. The page will be used inside one of our software products as an information page.

It probably goes against the whole purpose of a CMS, but I think the simple page editing features and features like surveys etc. in mojo is excellent and would love to use them on that page.

Comments are welcome!

9/28/2009 6:52:30 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Stand-alone page(s) created in mojo


There is a setting in Administration > Site Settings for "Allow hiding menu on pages". Check that box and then in the page settings for any page you will see a checkbox for hiding the menus.

Note however that mojoPortal does not create stand alone pages, it creates virtual pages and they are all served from the database using the Default.aspx page like Default.aspx?pageid=x, but we use url re-writing to make friendly urls. So pages do not correspond to files on disk.

Hope it helps,


9/28/2009 7:50:11 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Stand-alone page(s) created in mojo

Hi and thanks for the quick response.

I've found the "Allow hiding menu on pages" setting, and it works fine. I also needed to remove the page title, header image and the typical upper right corner navigation items (home, about, sitemap, login/logout etc.).

I've only played around with the "mitchinson-business3" skin so far, but I guess the other skins are similar. I managed to remove all the "built-in" or pre-configured navigation by commenting out the whole

part. Is there anything wrong by using this approach? The content editors will have to know the url to edit the page since the login link is gone, but that is fine.

By "Stand-alone page" I wasn't talking about technically, rather from the usage perspective, ie. it's not tied into a page-hierarchy with navigation and such.

If mojoportal is as clean and well made as is my impression so far we might even consider moving our entire site to mojo in the future. I hate messy software and strive to develop clean, pluggable and "separation of concerns" code myself and appreciate how simply, yet powerful, mojo seems to be.

9/28/2009 8:33:03 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Stand-alone page(s) created in mojo


You can safely remove those navigation links,  titles, etc from the layout.master file. For that matter, you can safely remove the menu controls as well and then it won't matter about the site settings or page settings for hiding the menu.

The main required things are divLeft, divCenter, divRight, ScriptManager, ScriptLoader, StylesheetCombiner, MetaData. I think pretty much anything else is optional though I could be forgetting some required ones.

Note that you can also enable per page skins in Site Settings and then you have the freedom to assign different skins to different pages in case you have occasional need for menus on some pages.



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