ä ö ü etc.

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9/28/2009 4:49:57 AM
Total Posts 220

ä ö ü etc.


I found something in the forum about that issue, but it does not really helps me.

When a new page has i.e. the name Müller, mojo provides a page müller.aspx. But when I try to look at this page, the browser shows .../m%c3%bcller.aspx in the address bar and tells me that the page was not found. Is there anything I can do in addition to changing the pagename into mueller?



9/28/2009 5:33:06 AM
Total Posts 550

Re: ä ö ü etc.

Hi  Matthias,

Go to page setting ,tab out page name so that new url create for it , then save page settings.

Hope Helps,


9/28/2009 6:43:07 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: ä ö ü etc.

Hi Asad,

thank you for your answer.

To change (or let change) the url is one possibility to solve this problem. But maybe I can change some setting somewhere, so that the url with ö,ä or ü will be found. Isn't it a matter of coding?


9/28/2009 6:47:14 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: ä ö ü etc.

Hi Mattias,

I created a page with this name on demo.mojoportal.com and it works correctly if you click the link in the menu.

What I find is if you paste the url into the browser url input it does escape the characters and this does not work, but clicking the link in the menu does work. There is nothing I can do about this feature of web browsers but typically visitors are going to click the links not paste the url so it should generally work fine.

Hope it helps,


9/28/2009 8:40:31 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: ä ö ü etc.

Hi Joe,

yes it helped, because now I gave it a try on the remote maschine and found that it works there - on my local maschine not.
But better than contrary. On my local maschine there is no need to explain to somebody that urls must not have ö,ü, or ä Smile.

By the way, I like the new links on top:  New Page   Edit Page   Page Settings


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